Strategic Plan 2024-2027 is a first formally adopted strategic plan document for the DotAsia Organisation.  Since 2010, DotAsia’s strategic directive for the year has been presented annually at the DotAsia AGM, and then reported at the next AGM.

Throughout 2023, the DotAsia Board worked to build on the strategic directive presented at the DotAsia AGM 2023 to expand it into a full fledged Strategic Plan, encompassing different areas of work at DotAsia.

A Draft Strategic Plan was published on the DotAsia website and circulated to members for comments.  Between Sep 2023 and Feb 2024, the feedback and input was received by the Board through member engagement sessions online, as well as during the EGM at APRICOT 2023.  In April 2024, the DotAsia Strategic Plan 2024-2027 was adopted by the Board.

The Strategic Plan is organized based on the DotAsia Core Values and Core Competence Framework (BCC-001) and the 4 areas of DotAsia works providing an organization-wide view:

Core Competency:

Core Values:

Positioning & Communications / Rela-tionships & Networks / Pioneering Innovations
Asia at Heart
Economically Successful
Community Driven

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Internet Governance and Community Engagement

  • Facilitating & amplifying voices from APAC, especially in support of youth, at the global Internet Governance discussions – DotAsia thrives on enhanced APAC participation in IG, especially at ICANN, and youth engagement is a foundation for sustainable participation
  • Expand income source and scaling DotAsia community projects (e.g. APrIGF.Asia, NetMission.Asia and Ajitora.Asia) – diversification, scaling up and development of DotAsia flagship community projects
  • Respond to and serve global Internet Governance community needs as they arise and where aligned with DotAsia vision & mission – secretariat services and support to regional and global IG initiatives

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.Asia Registry

  • Grow .Asia registration and income base – closer collaboration with Accredited Registrars, better understand .Asia registrant (customer) personas through data analysis, and increase renewal base
  • Enhance .Asia brand value and recognition – realizing .Asia as a product for Asians globally and not an Asian product for the global market, and that “Asia” is the .Asia brand, .Asia thrives when expressing an Asian identity is valued
  • Integrate .Asia market adoption with community development – foster network between .Asia registrants to promote identity, and to promote .Asia domains for APAC community activities

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Other DotAsia Works

  • Supporting a multilingual Internet for digital inclusion and sustainable development – advance activities on IDN, UA, SDGs (EcoInternet.Asia) and socio-technological developments, which reinforces DotAsia IG works
  • Contribute knowledge and experience to TLD development in APAC – grow .KiDS to become an economically viable and independent initiative, complete historical mission in Namesphere, and continue to and expand support to new gTLDs as well as ccTLDs in APAC
  • Respond to and serve APAC and global Internet initiatives – support technical developments such as DNSSEC, MANRS, KINDNS, etc., as well as to foster collaboration within APAC and bring global initiatives to the region

Icon - DotAsia Organisation & Governance

DotAsia Organisation & Governance

  • Better inform, involve and foster constructive participation from DotAsia Members, Board and AC in the achievement of DotAsia’s vision and mission for a collaborative APAC Internet community – supporting Board and AC members to be ambassadors of DotAsia
  • Better protect DotAsia’s ability to deliver on its community commitments – Amendment and implementation of an updated DotAsia Articles of Association to enhance institutional governance, stability and continuity
  • Establish risk management as well as contingency and business continuity plans in consideration of geopolitical dynamics as well as legal threats

You can download the adopted DotAsia Strategic Plan, including identified measures of success here.

A more comprehensive worksheet including details of the components for the Strategic Plan can be also available here.

Connecting Asia with One Domain