DotAsia Board Elections 2008

May 14, 2008

The DotAsia Board Elections 2008 was held between March and May of 2008. Nominations and voting was conducted electronically and according to the finalized Board Elections Procedures, which was drafted based on DotAsia’s Memorandum & Articles of Incorporation. A first draft of the Board Elections Procedures was posted on March 12, 2008, and a second draft posted on March 25, 2008. The finalized Board Elections Procedures was published on March 31, 2008.

The nominations period commenced on April 2, 2008 and concluded on April 16, 2008. The results of the nominations are posted below.

The voting period commenced on April 30, 2008 and concluded on May 14, 2008. The election results are posted below.

Sponsor Member Category

Based on the voting results, the following candidates were elected in the Sponsor Member category with the respective serving term:

Candidate Term Sub-Region
Atsushi ENDO 2 -year North and Northeast Asia
Li Guang Hao 2 -year North and Northeast Asia
LIM Choon Sai 2 -year South and Southeast Asia
Dr. THAM Yiu Kwok 2 -year North and Northeast Asia
Alireza SALEH 1 -year Middle East, Asia Minor and Eurasia
Dr. SIR Jae-Chul 1 -year North and Northeast Asia
J. William SEMICH 1 -year Australia and Pacific
Joel E. DISINI 1 -year South and Southeast Asia

Co-Sponsor Member Category

For Co-Sponsor Member category, no voting is required as there were only two candidates for the two vacancies. Drawing of lots was conducted (with video posted here) to determine the term of service, and below are the results of the draw:

Candidate Term
Tommy MATSUMOTO 2-year
Che-Hoo CHENG 1-year

Results of the election were ratified in DotAsia’s extraordinary general meeting (EGM) which was held in Kuala Lumpur on May 21, 2008 10:00am UTC (6pm KL Time).  Phone recording of the meeting can be downloaded here and the powerpoint presentation made by DotAsia’s CEO Edmon Chung can be downloaded here.

The term of service for DotAsia’s newly elected board of directors will begin from June 6, 2008. 

Candidate Statements and Bios

Li Guang Hao

Guang Hao Li is currently the deputy director of International Business Development at CNNIC, prior to this, he is the deputy director of General Administrative Office and head of the international affairs at CNNIC.

Guang Hao Li has working on policy research and development since joint CNNIC. He has an in depth involvement in domain name registry operation at both policy side and business side. He actively participates in international forums like ICANN, ISOC, IGF, APTLD and etc. In these forums, he is one of the major drivers of IDN development. He is currently the board member of DotAsia and AC of ISOC.

Aside from his international presence, he also has rich knowledge in China’s domestic Internet community. He has been taken the roles of:

  • Jury member of the first China WebBlog Contest sponsored by People’s Daily;
  • Member of expert panel for ICP Recording System Phase II;
  • Director of ISC’s Blog Study WG secretariat and drafter of ISC Webblog Services Code

Guang Hao Li holds a master degree in e-commerce from Utah State University in USA.

Atsushi ENDO

Candidacy Statement

It is my great honor to be nominated for DotAsia Board election.

As the incumbent board member, I’ve done my best at making decisions for DotAsia on my first term. I believe I can continusously contribute a lot to DotAsia and DotAsia community with my experience on launch period of .ASIA and DotAsia.

After I joined the Board on early 2006, my first big job was incorporation of DotAsia Organisation. After cautious consideration through the Board, it was successfully completed in September 2006.

The second one was appointing Mr. Edmon CHUNG as CEO of DotAsia. I am very proud of this decision. Thanks to his strong leadership, the DotAsia Team has been bringing lots of achievement not only to .ASIA and DotAsia but also to the Internet community in the AP region.

DotAsia finally signed the contract with ICANN to manage “.ASIA” Top Level Domain Name on December 2006 and started launching process of .ASIA. I strongly supported launching activities of the DotAsia Team, especially in Japan.

After successful launch of .ASIA, I think DotAsia Organisation now faces several significant issues to solve. One is building more stable and transparent organisational structure of DotAsia itself. Another is creating framework of reinvesting surpluses to the Internet community in the AP region.

I’d like to take on the responsibility of addressing these issues and I believe I can help to bring in the solutions and contribute to progress of .ASIA and DotAsia Organisation.


Atsushi ENDO has served as the Board of Director of DotAsia Organisation since 2006. He has been with Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd (JPRS), the .jp ccTLD registry for 7 years. His primary responsibilities at JPRS include corporate planning, external affairs, and public relations of JPRS. 

Atsushi served as the co-chair of AP* Retreat Meeting in Tokyo held in January 2006. He has also been involved in “Internet Next Generation” activities in Asia Pacific Region including his role as the of vice-chair of 5th Asia Pacific Next Generation Camp, which was hosted by Asia Pacific Networking Group (APNG).

Atsushi graduated from Sophia University,Tokyo with a B.A. in Law and holds a M.A. in Political Science from Keio University Graduate School of Law, Tokyo.

LIM Choon Sai


Mr Lim Choon Sai is a Director in the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and is responsible for resource management and telecommunication standardization. His responsibility includes spectrum planning and co-ordination; public switched network numbering management; network standards and terminal equipment management.  

In addition, since 2001, Mr Lim has been appointed the General Manager of the Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) Pte. Ltd, the country-code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) manager for “.sg’ names and a fully-owned subsidiary of IDA. 

In early 2002, he led an effort to implement a new shared registry system which enables participation of accredited registrars to sell .sg names on a competitive basis. The broad marketing channels collectively help to increase the registry base.

In December 2004, he launched the registration of 2nd level .sg names. At the same time, SGNIC collaborated with registrars to jointly promote .sg names, which include a free 2nd level name for every 3rd level name registered. A volume rebate scheme for registrars was also introduced. These measures, together with others introduced later, helped to boost .sg names which now stand at over 93,000 names. 

In March 2007, he initiated and supervised the move of SGNIC servers to the Government Data Centre to secure a robust and secure environment which helps facilitate the reliable operation of the .sg DNS.

In July 2007, he supported an IDA’s infocomm @SME programme to help small and medium enterprises (SME) to go online. SGNIC offered free first-year  registration of .sg names by SME during the promotional period of three years starting from Dec 2007.

In December 2007, he supervised the plan to upgrade the existing SGNIC registry system to a more efficient and secure system. The new system is expected to come into operation towards the end of 2008.

Mr Lim has a Bachelor of Engineering  (Electrical/Electronic ) Degree from the University of Singapore and a Masters in Business Administration from the Brunel University in the UK.

Dr. Enkhbat. D
  Biography not yet available
Alireza SALEH
  Alireza SALEH is currently the CTO of .IR ccTLD Registry with increasing role in management affairs. Saleh has a B.Sc. degree in civil engineering but has been involved in networking technology for the last 13 years. Before taking on his present responsibilities, he was involved in various aspects of the operation of Iranian Academic NETwork. Most recently he has been involved in IDN development for Persian language and Arabic script and is one of the monitors of the current ICANN IDN tests. He is a frequent participant in meetings of IETF, RIPE, ICANN, ITU-T, APTLD and CENTR.
Dr. THAM Yiu Kwok
  Yiu Kwok THAM received the B. Math. and M. Math. degrees in computer science from the University of Waterloo, Canada, where he studied formal languages and parallel rewriting systems, and Ph. D. in computer science from the University of Toronto, Canada, where he performed simulation and queuing analysis of integrated voice and data communication systems. He developed scheduling algorithms for satellite communication at Telesat Canada, and worked in various areas of telecommunication with GTE Spacenet and Telstra Research Laboratories, where he investigated network design under volatile conditions; he held academic and research appointments with the National University of Singapore and pioneered the development of prototype cross-language remote procedure call systems at the Institute of Systems Science, National University of Singapore. Before returning to the Far East, he was Visiting Professor at the Department of Telecommunications and Mathematics, University of Karlskrona/Ronneby, Sweden, where he performed research on ATM network design besides acquiring basic proficiency in Swedish. He was Lingnan Foundation Visiting Teaching Scholar at the Department of Information Systems, Lingnan University, Hong Kong before heading up the Computer Service Bureau at the University of Macau, Macao. He is an Invited Associate Professor with the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Macau, and a member of the Technology Accreditation Committer in Macao advising its Accreditation Authority on the operation of electronic document and signature. He is an early supporter of DotAsia and believes its continued success would bring the Asia Internet communities closer and foster greater understanding, co-operation and technology innovation among its wide constituencies.
Dr. SIR Jae-Chul

DR. SIR, Jae-Chul, KRNIC (Korea) – Jaechul SIR is currently the executive director of NIDA(National Internet Development Agency of Korea), a nonprofit statutory organization, and is in charge of Korea Network Information Center (KRNIC). At KRNIC he is repsonsible for the policy development and technical management of the .kr ccTLD and IP address. In addition, SIR works on the development of domain name related technologies such as DNSSEC and IPSEC. Recently he is involved in building IPV6 and Anycast DNS sites for .kr ccTLD over the world. He also has an active role in drafting the Internet Resource Administration Act for the .kr ccTLD.

In addition, SIR has actively participated in Joint Engineering Team (JET), which was established to develop and implement IDN technology. Moreover, SIR has been contributing to the Activities of .org as an advisory council member of the PIR(Public Interest Registry). SIR will good for DotASIA board member as well as large numbers of DotASIA domains numbers and 11 registras in Korea.

J. William SEMICH

Since 1997 J. William Semich (“Bill Semich”) has been the President and Founder of the Internet Users Society – Niue (IUS-N), the designated manager of the .NU Domain and a founding member of the DotAsia Organization. He has worked actively since 1996 to promote DNS self-governance, technical education, outreach and the formation of consensus-building processes for DNS managers. He was a cofounder, with Jon Postel and others, of the Internet Ad Hoc Committee (IAHC) in 1996-97.

Starting in late 1997, he was an early participant in the International Forum on the White Paper (IFWP), which served as the basis for the creation of ICANN. He was part of the consensus working group that created ICANN in 1998 at its formative meetings in Reston, VA, Geneva, Switzerland, and Singapore. He was also a cofounder of ATPLD, WWTLD and MINC. Working with Richard St. Clair and others, he supported the expansion of the Pacific Islands Chapter of ISOC and helped organize the first PICISOC regional meetings, PACINET.

In 1999 the Asia Pacific ccTLD constituency of ICANN elected him to represent the AP region on the initial Names Council of ICANN at its first meeting in Berlin, and subsequently he has served as a vice- chairman of APTLD. He holds a Master Degree in Economics and Finance from Tufts University, which he received in 1977.


I am the founder and  ccTLD Manager for DotPH, the Philippine Registry.  I am keenly interested in using the  Internet to help uplift the lives of the less fortunate.  Our foundation,, has been involved since 1998 in providing free E-mail or Internet access in the most remote regions of the Philippines. At the time DotAsia was founded, there was a promise to donate part of the revenues of DotAsia to be used for charitable purposes in the community.  I would like to play a role in that discussion.

As a ccTLD, I am interested in working with DotAsia so that it works harmoniously with ccTLDs. One issue that I would like to see resolved is for DotAsia to enable its member ccTLDs to register dotAsia domains in a simple manner (ie – without having to pay a markup to one of the various ICANN Registrars).

DotPH was the first ccTLD Registry in Asia to create a Shared Registry System (in 2001, using SOAP). In 1990, I also founded the first Philippine ISP, the E-Mail Company. I worked in Silicon Valley for five years before that, writing networking software for the Macintosh. In 1984, I graduated from the California Institute of Technology with a BS in Computer Science
and Electrical Engineering. We also operate a NZ-based Registrar (, and a blogging company (

LIANG Ming Cheng

Candidate Info

I am current Executive Director of TWNIC, responsible for ccTLD (.tw) operation and service enhancement, IP resource management, and Internet technology development; as well as continuing interaction and collaboration between TWNIC and the global Internet community.

During late 90’s, I had joined the TANET (Taiwan Academic Network) Project, which was driven by the Ministry of Education to build and develop the largest IP network for the academic community in Taiwan. Continuously, I have involved in the later TANET 2 Project, which is the IPv6-based, next generation TANET.

I have been a committee member of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) since 1997 and an active senior member of the IEEE since 2002. With my experiences in dealing with IPv6 policy and address allocation / assignment management, I was appointed as the co-Chair of the IPv6 Deployment and Development Program of NICI (National Information and Communication Initiative) of the Executive Yuan in 2005.

Since 2005, I have actively participated in various Internet-related activities, such as IPv6, VoIP, IDN and Internet Governance. Recently, I have been appointed as chair of ccNSO IDN Working Group, and elected to sit on the APNIC Executive Council.

I believe that I will contribute my time, knowledge, resources, and full involvement to DotAsia and its members, and hope it will be beneficial for future development of DotAsia.

Educational Background:
PH.D. and M.S. in E.E. of the Ohio State University, Sep. 1983 – Sep. 1988
B.S. in E.E. of National Taiwan University, Sep. 1976 – Jun. 1980

Professional Positions:
Executive Council Member, Asia Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC),
March 2007-
Chairman, ICANN ccNSO IDN Working Group, December 2006-
CEO, Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC), August 2006-
Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering of National University of
Kaohsiung, August 2003 – July 2006
Committee Member of International Scientific Radio Union (URSI), 1997-
Senior Member of IEEE, August 2002-
Chairman of Department of Electronic Engineering of I-SHOU University,
September 1992 – June 1994

Nomination Results

Nominated by
Seconded by
Candidate Confirmation Category Sub-Region
LI Guang Hao SGNIC (.SG) JPRS (.JP)
Internet Users Society-Niue (.NU)
Datacom Co., Ltd. (.MN)
Candidacy Accepted Sponsor Member North and Northeast Asia
Datacom Co., Ltd. (.MN)
Internet Users Society-Niue (.NU)
Candidacy Accepted Sponsor Member North and Northeast Asia
Candidacy Accepted Sponsor Member South and Southeast Asia
Dr. Enkhbat. D Datacom Co., Ltd. (.MN) JPRS (.JP)
Dot BT (.BT)
Candidacy Accepted Sponsor Member North and Northeast Asia
Candidacy Accepted Sponsor Member Middle East, Asia Minor and Eurasia
Richard ST. CLAIR IRNIC (.IR) Internet Users Society-Niue (.NU) Withdrawn Sponsor Member Australia and Pacific
Dr. THAM Yiu Kwok SGNIC (.SG) CNNIC (.CN) Candidacy Accepted Sponsor Member North and Northeast Asia
Dr. SIR Jae-Chul CNNIC (.CN) JPRS (.JP) Candidacy Accepted Sponsor Member North and Northeast Asia
J. William SEMICH .PH Domain Foundation (.PH) CNNIC (.CN)
Candidacy Accepted Sponsor Member Australia and Pacific
Tommy MATSUMOTO APNG APNIC Candidacy Accepted Co-Sponsor Member  
Joel E. DISINI Internet Users Society-Niue (.NU) IRNIC (.IR) Candidacy Accepted Sponsor Member South and Southeast Asia
Candidacy Accepted Sponsor Member North and Northeast Asia
Che-Hoo CHENG APNG APNIC Candidacy Accepted Co-Sponsor Member  

Board Elections 2008 Results

Sponsor Member Category Votes Received Remarks
J. William SEMICH 4 Elected (only candidate in sub-region)
Alireza SALEH 3 Elected (only candidate in sub-region)
Atsushi ENDO 10 Elected
LI Guang Hao 7 Elected
LIM Choon Sai 6 Elected
Dr. THAM Yiu Kwok 6 Elected
Dr. SIR Jae-Chul 5 Elected
Joel E. DISINI 5 Elected
Dr. Enkhbat. D 4  
LIANG Ming Cheng 3  
Co-Sponsor Member Category No Voting Required Remarks
Tommy MATSUMOTO Elected (Number of Candidates = Vacancy)
Che-Hoo CHENG Elected (Number of Candidates = Vacancy)


Description View / Download Media
Drawing of lots was conducted to determine the term of service for the
Co-Sponsor Member Category
QuickTime Player | Flash Player
Phone recording of extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to ratify election results MP3 audio file (requires Flash Player)
Powerpoint presentation made by DotAsia CEO Edmon Chung PDF document

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