Media Contact:

If you are a member of the media and wish to follow up on a recent news release, discuss topics related to Asia’s Internet and the .Asia web extension, or arrange an interview with spokespersons, please contact us.


12/F, Daily House
35-37 Haiphong Road, Tsim Sha Tsui,
Kowloon, Hong Kong

DotAsia Members Adopt New Articles of Association

On Feb 26, 2024 at the DotAsia Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), held in conjunction with APRICOT 2024 immediately following the AP* Retreat, the DotAsia Members adopted a new set of Articles of...

DotAsia Strategic Plan Development

Since 2010, DotAsia’s strategic directive for the year has been presented annually at the DotAsia AGM, and then reported at the next AGM. DotAsia’s progress through the years, ...

Special Advisory on Election Committee Report and Next Steps Towards a By-Election for Board Elections 2023

This is a special advisory on the recently received Election Committee (EC) Report to the Members DotAsia Regarding the 2023 Board Elections (EC Report) and Board actions taken towards a by-election for the Board Elections 2023 in accordance with the existing Board Elections Procedures (BGC-004) and the recommendations from the Election Committee in the EC Report. First and foremost, the DotAsia Board thanks the EC (and its legal advisors) for their thorough investigation, and ...

Special Advisory on .ASIA Charter Eligibility Requirement and IDN Variant Policies

On Aug 1, 2023, the .ASIA registry system operated by our Backend Registry Services Provider Identity Digital (formerly Afilias) will be upgraded. This special advisory addresses two techno-policy changes to the system: 1) .ASIA Charter Eligibility Requirement; 2) .ASIA CJK (Chinese, Japanese & Korean) IDN Policies

.Kids TLD Registrations Begin Today with Brands First

DotKids Foundation, registry operator for the new “.kids” top-level-domain (TLD), is pleased to announce the commencement of registration for the .kids community TLD.  .Kids is the first TLD dedicated to the best interests of kids, so that parents can rest assured that their kids safety online is taken to heart. 

Congratulations Edmon!

Congratulations to .Asia’s CEO, Edmon Chung, for his appointment to the ICANN Board of Directors! Edmon joins a distinguished group of internationally represented community and business leaders as...

Asian Films Awards: The Oscars of Asia

Inaugurated in 2007, the Asian Film Awards (AFA) celebrates excellence in Asian cinema through the annual presentation of awards to the many diverse talents and films that make up the dynamic film...

Go.Asia: Every Act Counts!

Go.Asia — — is a charitable initiative launched by DotAsia and spearheaded by Hong Kong Martial Arts Superstar Donnie Yen and his wife, Ms. Cissy Wang. The vision of Go.Asia...


Mandela Day Asia — — brings the Mandela Day Campaign to Asia. The Mandela Day campaign message is simple: Mr Mandela gave 67 years of his life fighting for the rights...

Connecting Asia with One Domain