Landrush for .Asia IDN Begins Today

Landrush for .Asia IDN Begins Today

Around 10,000 .Asia IDNs already asked for at Close of Sunrise Download: [ PDF ] Hong Kong, August 2, 2011 – Following the successful completion of Sunrise, DotAsia today announces the opening of Landrush ( for Chinese, Japanese and Korean...
DotAsia to Support Asian New gTLDs

DotAsia to Support Asian New gTLDs

Launch of Chinese, Japanese and Korean “.Asia” IDN Continues: Priority Sunrise Registrations will Close on July 25 2011, Open Landrush Registrations to Begin August 2, 2011 Download: [ EN | ZH-繁 | ZH-简 ] Hong Kong, 2011 July 12 – Following the...
.ASIA中日韓域名 隆重推出

.ASIA中日韓域名 隆重推出

勢將掀起亞洲域名尋金熱 Download: [ PDF ] [ DOC ] (2011年6月10日,香港) DotAsia機構正式宣佈推出 .ASIA中文(繁、簡體相通)域名。.ASIA中文(繁、簡體)域名分為四期讓不同單位註冊,分別為「日出期」(Sunrise)、「亞洲域名先鋒計劃」(Pioneer Domains Program)、「搶灘期」(Landrush)及「正式公開註冊」(Go Live) 。與此同時,.ASIA 日文、韓文域名亦於同時期推出,全面覆蓋東南亞重點市場。...