中国奥运及演艺明星启用 .Asia 域名

中国奥运及演艺明星启用 .Asia 域名

影艺界和体育界响应 .Asia「支持正版‧ 实至名归」域名优先登记行动 Download: [ PDF ] 即时发佈 2008.01.25 北京讯 – DotAsia (.Asia)与北京左岸青桐文化传播有限公司、 北京环球亚艺传媒广告有限公司和北京东亚龙视广告有限公司共同出品的贺岁大片 《家合万事兴之— 奥运,我爱你》宣布联合发起名人明星「支持正版‧实至名归」 域名优先登记行动。为迎接2008 北京奥运及打击网上侵权活动,DotAsia 于全面公...

Landrush for .Asia Domain Begins Next February 20

Go Live on schedule for March 26, 2008 as .Asia outpaces .EU in quality and quantity Download: [ EN | ZH-繁 ] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Hong Kong, 30 November 2007: Individual companies and the general public will soon be eligible to register for available .Asia domain...

More than 15,000 applications received for new .Asia domain

Interest in the new .Asia domain is gaining momentum as the second phase of registration begins November 13. Download: [ EN | ZH-繁 ] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Hong Kong, 12 November 2007: Strong interest in the new .Asia domain is building as demonstrated in the total...

The ‘Sun Rises’ in Asia on 9 October

.Asia Domain Name Registration Starts for Trademark Holders Download: [ PDF ] MEDIA ADVISORY: Hong Kong, 8 October 2007 – DotAsia Organisation Ltd., a not-for-profit organisation responsible for operating the .Asia top-level domain registry [TLD], is expecting a...