Following the adoption of the amended DotAsia Articles earlier in February at the APRICOT meetings (DotAsia EGM), the DotAsia Board Elections 2024 were completed successfully between March and May, 2024 and the new Board seated at the DotAsia AGM 2024.

At the AGM held virtually, the Board Chair expressed appreciation to the Election Chair and the Election Committee, as well as the Nomination Committee (NomCom) Chair along with the NomCom members for their effective work and respective reports, supporting a smooth process for the DotAsia Board Elections 2024.

The DotAsia Strategic Plan 2024-2027, which had been adopted by the DotAsia Board after consultation with and feedback from the DotAsia Membership between Sep 2023 and Feb 2024, was also presented at the AGM held on May 23, 2024.