2021 Korea Internet Governance Forum (KrIGF)

Korea Internet Governance Alliance (KIGA)

Total pre-registered: 402
Total online participants: 557
296% increase compared to 188 people present in 2020


Aug 20, 2021

Digital Inclusion
Open Knowledge
Internet Community in General

Sponsor Member Information |
Organization Name: |
Korea Internet Security Alliance |
ccTLD: |
Korea |
Grant Recipient Information |
NOTE: This SCP Report is intended to be completed by the Grant Recipient to report on the outcomes and social impact of the funded project. | |
Project Name: |
Korea Internet Governance Alliance |
Website: |
Please provide a brief description of the organization / initiative: |
KIGA (Korea Internet Governance Alliance) was established in April 2012. The various people concerned and experts participated in KIGA in order to systematically deal with issues of internet governance at home and abroad. KIGA discusses global trends and major issues on the internet and suggests policies to the government.KIGA makes a connection and combines with existing alliances and tries to be single alliance related to the internet in Korea. |
Community Project Information: | |||||
Name / Title of Project | |||||
2021 Korea Internet Governance Forum (KrIGF) | |||||
.ASIA domain name(s) used for the Project: | |||||
http://krigf.asia | |||||
Nature of Project (mark with “x”): | |||||
X |
Digital Inclusion |
X |
Open Knowldege |
X |
Internet Community in General |
Education Advancement | Research & Development | Other: (Please Specify): | |||
Scholarship | Disaster Relief & Rebuild | ||||
Beneficiaries: | Multi-stakeholders such as public institutions, industries, academia, civic groups, etc. in Korea. |
SCP Report: Achievement of Project Objectives | |||
Please describe if and how the proposed Objectives of Project were achieved or not, and what the learnings may be: | |||
The purpose of this forum is to let multi-stakeholders to gather and discuss about internet governance issues, induce interests to the general public, and to make participants agonize about the issues together through discussions. Through total 11 sessions operated in the forum, we achieved the purpose of the forum, and all the participants were able to have a meaningful time to think and discuss about internet governance issues together. | |||
Please highlight the overall achievements of the project: | |||
The people who pre-registered were total 402, and the forum’s online participants were total 557. This resulted in a 296% increase compared to 188 people present in 2020. |
Social Impact Assessment (SIA) of SCP: | ||
Measures of Project (please provide results according to the proposed measures of success for the project): | ||
The Korea Internet Governance Forum (KrIGF) was initiated in 2012 and has successfully held its 11th event in 2021. As of 2014, KrIGF has formed a program committee involving multilateral stakeholders to prepare and execute the event. Additionally, from 2017, each year a final KrIGF report will be produced and officially registered at the National Internet Governance Forum (National IGF). Nonetheless, this year, the final report is being prepared and will be delivered to the global IGF Secretariat. | ||
Please describe and substantiate the social impact of the SCP on the particular stakeholders and in different dimensions: | ||
Individual | Oranizational | Economic |
Impact on primary beneficiaries of the project, and the interaction between primary, secondary and other beneficiaries. | Enhancement of grant recipient organizational capacity. | Economic impact to beneficiaries. |
Primary beneficiaries that attended KrIGF included 557 participants from governments, businesses, civil society, academia and the technology communities. There were 69 of speakers and hosts that led the discussion. The various stakeholders were able to gain knowledge on the most updated Internet Governance issues and actively participated in open discussions which reflected on their industries point of view. The final report includes the stakeholder’s IG perspective which will be presented to the IGF global level for further consideration. The primary beneficiaries were able to disseminate the discussion through education and promotion further to a secondary level including youths, students, and end users to further build interest and participation in the Internet policy-making process in Korea. Plus, they could share the idea of various issues between multistakeholders which help them widen the radius of thoughts. | Using the DotAsia SCP funds, KIGA was able to provide simultaneous interpretation of the predominantly Korean language event into English which has helped to further the reach of audiences outside of Korea. As a result, the number of participants had increased 296% year over year. In addition, videos of the event will be translated with English subtitles for non-Korean speaking audiences. This has allowed other regions to understand the Korean IG perspectives. With more exposure, it will help KrIGF and KIGA to solidify future support and sponsorship. Most of the participants were from Korea but ICAAN and Dotasia also participated this time. Lastly, a bulk of the SCP funds were used to increase promotion and advertisement on krigf.asia and related websites, facebook and YouTube live streaming. This undoubtedly was able to help with expanding the online and social media presence of KrIGF (with secondary exposure for KIGA as the host). For the result of the facebook promotion, we could find out more than 700 people clicked and participated on the post. For the other posts we uploaded on the community site, we could find out around 400 people clicked which is really a standing out outcome. | Participation in the KrIGF event was free of charge for onsite and online participants. It provides real time and video access to those that want to gain Internet Governance knowledge or contribute to the development of the Internet in Korea. |
Please report on the outcomes of project with respect to the mission and vision of DotAsia as included in the project proposal. | ||
The purpose of this forum is to let multi-stakeholders to gather and discuss about internet governance issues, induce interests to the general public, and to make participants agonize about the issues together through discussions. Through total 11 sessions operated in the forum, we achieved the purpose of the forum, and all the participants were able to have a meaningful time to think and discuss about internet governance issues together. Just like DotAsia’s mission and vision, as they invested surpluses in socio-technological advancement initiatives relevant to the Pan-Asia and Asia-Pacific Internet community, which is KrIGF, this forum could have held successfully. | ||
Describe the coordination with and how DotAsia can further follow up with the Grant Recipient on future collaborations: | ||
It would be great if DotAsia to participate in the next year’s forum by suggesting a session with internet governance issue. |
Promotion & Dissemination of Outcomes |
List and provide information on how the SCP was promoted to beneficiaries (attach additional materials as necessary): |
We promoted on various channels by uploading the poster and the timetable of the forum. As a result, by promoting on 50 different channels(Related organizations 12, university 8, Internet community 24, event promotion channel 4, paid advertisement 2), there were 402 people who pre-registered, and 557 people who participated online. |
List and provide information on how the .ASIA domain(s) were featured (attach additional materials as necessary): |
After writing the wholesale address of Dot Asia (http://krigf.asia/)) on the poster for the promotion of the forum, we promoted it on various channels. |
Please explain and quantify the reach and/or coverage of the SCP as a result of the promotional efforts: |
The forum’s pre-registrations achieved 402 people, and the forum’s online participants achieved a total of 557 people. This resulted in a 296% increase compared to 188 people present in 2020. |
Please explain how the outcomes of the SCP were disseminated (e.g. reports distributed, press reports, etc.): |
The results of the forum were press release as follows”
https://www.newsquest.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=87853 https://www.koit.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=87962 https://www.epnc.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=213967 http://www.ddaily.co.kr/news/article/?no=220453 http://www.cstimes.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=471747 https://www.fnnews.com/news/202108221512091940 In 2021, the final report will be published following last year, and it will be delivered to the global IGF Secretariat. |