KeepClicking.Asia Newsletter April 2014 Issue Released

KeepClicking.Asia Newsletter April 2014 Issue Released

Masterful haul by The Grandmaster – Successful re-launch of the Asian Film Awards dazzles in Macau: The 8th Asian Film Awards (AFA) was held this year at the glittering City of Dreams in Macau. The re-launched film festival is jointly organized by the AFA academy and its constituent partners – Busan Film Festival, Tokyo Film Festival and Hong Kong Film Festival. A total of 14 awards and the Lifetime Achievement Award, the night’s most prestigious award, were presented […]

Business Media International (SME & Entrepreneurship Magazine and SME100)

Business Media International (SME & Entrepreneurship Magazine and SME100)

“With our former, country-specific web address, our visitors came primarily from the US and Malaysia. I think this was because of how search engines perceived and presented the site. When we moved to the ‘.asia’ address, we saw a change in our audience straight away. We now have people visiting us from across the region – from India, China, Indonesia, the Philippines and so on…”



“Distinct from our corporate web address, having a ‘.asia’ domain gives us a chance to show that, although we might be part of a global business, we have deep roots in the region and understand the unique requirements of specific markets…”